Saturday, July 5, 2008

Meggyleves (Hungarian Sour Cherry Soup)

When I was in Budapest for work last year, I was only there for three days. Most of that was spent in the conference hotel, so I didn't have a chance to try Meggyleves, or traditional Hungarian sour cherry soup. I don't know how traditional the recipe I've used is, but it has red wine in it so, who cares? Last night it was warm, so the chilled soup was a treat.

Serves 6

1.75 - 2 lbs sour cherries (washed and pitted)
1 cup water
1 cup sugar (it could've used a bit more)
2 cinnamon sticks
3 cups red wine (Cabarnet Sauvignon)
1 cup sour cream
1 cup evaporated whole milk (or light cream)

1. In a large pan, put the pitted cherries, water, sugar, cinnamon sticks, and wine. Bring to a boil then simmer about 30 minutes (or less). It's a good idea to taste for sweetness about 1/2 way through (add sugar if necessary).
2. Gradually stir in the evaporated milk into the sour cream. Then stir this mixture into the soup (which is off the heat source!).
3. Chill and serve.

Nutrition Information per Serving
Calories: ; Carbohydrates: ; Protein: ; Fat: ; Cals./g:

1 comment:

lovelysoul4961 said...

Wow! Des, your soup was really, really good. It had a rich velvety feel and a smooth taste. Not the usual tart-sweet recipe that I've tasted with these kind of cherries. Well done! And yes, a wonderful treat for a hot summer night!

Dad will be 72 next year, we need to get someone else up on that ladder next year.

And if you're in Budapest next, stop and have a bowl of cherry soup--for crying out loud! You kill me!!!