Friday, July 18, 2008

CSA: It's Okay

Yesterday "Bob" picked up the vegetables from the CSA and also cleaned out the crisper drawers. It's freed up a lot of space in our refrigerator. It'll be interesting to see if the cripser actually does what it's supposed to do.

For this week we have: 1 bunch broccoli, 1 bunch red-leaf lettuce, 1 bunch dill, 1 bunch chard, 1 bunch white turnips, 1 yellow squash, 1 green squash, 2 yellow onions, 1 bag sugar snap peas.

Bob also discovered that the palaak paneer is now officially saag. Those weren't spinach leaves I used, it was a bunch of chard. It just goes to show: one green leaf with a red stem doesn't look much different from another.

"Bob" and I evaluated our CSA experience so far and the consensus is this: It has more pluses than minuses. Joining a CSA has certainly forced us to eat a lot more vegetables. We've also experienced new foods. We eat at home everynight, and we probably shop at the supermarket a lot less. And we were also compelled to set up a composter. So far, we'll likely join the CSA again next year. We were considering just going to a farmers market, but good habits can take a long time to take root. We don't want to fall back on bad habits next year. Two years of eating local and in season might just be enough to make eating more vegetables in greater variety a permanent habit.

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