Sunday, August 10, 2008

Salads and Sides

Als usual lots of plans late in the week kept us from adhering to the menu (movies and John Hiatt at the State Theatre in New Brunswick; "Bob" and I were some of the oldest people at Wall-E and some of the youngest at the concert). We did finish up the pork though and I had the rest of the carrot soup for lunch yesterday.

So what's left? Quite a bit of our usual summer squash side dish (the one with tomatoes and peppers). As for all the unprepared vegetables we have: green beans (though we almost had them Thursday night), 2 cucumbers, 2 kohlrabi, 3 beets, 1 bunch of carrots, 2 squash, and a bit of lettuce. Add to that this week's CSA share: green beans (yup, again), red cabbage, green peppers (2 small), cucumbers (2 small), red leaf lettuce, beets (3), bunch of dill.

This can only mean one thing for this week's menu: lots of salads and side dishes.

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