Sunday, May 25, 2008

Top of the Charts: Seasonal and Regional

I found a number of great sources for eating seasonally. I tried posting the charts here, but apparently my HTML skills (or, more precisely, my copying and pasting skills) aren’t up to speed. I imported the charts and calendars into both Microsoft Word and Excel. I "paste special-ed" the images as pictures, bitmaps, enhanced metafiles (whatever those are)—the whole universe of image options—but to no avail. I'll keep trying, but, for now, I’ll just post the links.

Strangely enough, one of the most useful charts for the United States is from the United Kingdom. It lists the nationwide, month-by-month seasonality of fruits and vegetables as well as for meats and fish. I spotted this chart on several UK-based web sites but have been unable to discern the original source:

This harvest calendar for New Jersey was prepared by the State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture:

Some eco-politics news: Jon Corzine, the Governor of New Jersey, was trying to abolish this department to balance the budget. But, this month, after a budget windfall was found (and amid public and farmer outcry) efforts to abolish it have been abandoned—for now. There’s always another budget shortfall looming in the future. Now that it’s been in the crosshairs once, the D of A will likely be a target for any future cuts. So long Garden State, which is fast disappearing anyway. In the last 15 years, the “highest and best use” of farmland in New Jersey has been for McMansions and sprawl. I’m starting to think that landlords, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and real estate developers are the only people making policy decisions in this state.

Other seasonality resources that I have no plans to reproduce here:

An interesting interactive chart from the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture:

The Natural Resources Defense Council has seasonal charts for every state (I found this via a link from Sustainable Table):

And, each month, I'll identify what's in season (in New Jersey) on the main page of this blog (look to the right...)

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